The EUSpecLab Introductory Training School on spectroscopies will be held on 19-30 June 2023 in San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy), at the local campus of the University of Camerino. The school will provide introductory training on spectroscopic methods and calculations of materials properties of interest for researchers of the EUSpecLab doctoral network.
The training school will be also open to external students (enrolled in M.Sc. or doctoral courses) and young researchers.
The programme will feature:
lectures on x-ray absorption, electron (photoemission and photoelectron diffraction) and optical spectroscopies (absorption, photoluminescence) covering the basic principles and focusing on the theoretical approaches for calculating and interpreting experimental spectra;
basic training on DFT calculations for interpreting and predicting materials properties;
two Industry Days organized with industrial partners RINA-Centro Sviluppo Materiali Avanzati and Scienta Omicron, taking place on 19 June at RINA premises (nearby Rome) and on 23 June (remotely);
a session with students’ short talks to foster exchanges on respective background and skills.
Local organizers:
Angela Trapananti, Andrea Di Cicco, Roberto Gunnella, Marco Minicucci